Contact Us

Trust · Sharing · Innovation · Together · Happiness

Online consultation

Jiancheng has always been committed to providing high-quality products and services for doctors and patients. We very much hope to hear your opinions and suggestions. You can do this by calling: 86-512-63036188Or leave a message to us, we will be happy to serve you.

Your basic information

We sincerely invite you to fill in your basic personal information so that we can choose the team with the highest matching degree to provide you with services.

Online consultation

Suzhou Jiancheng Medical Technology Co., Ltd.

Address: C21/F, Biomedical Industrial Park, 218 Xinghu Street, Suzhou Industrial Park

Telephone: 86-512-63036188
Fax: 86-512-63036288 

Zip Code: 215123

Adverse event reporting line

Telephone: 4008808272


For more information, search for "Jie Cheng Medical" WeChat
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